Allen West - A True Conservative Standing Tall in Washington
He is our great freshman leader and the old guard would do well to shut-up and listen for a change. This is who we need to lead our country back from the brink.
Obama's Spending Spree: By the Numbers
There is little doubt that this is an increase in spending and taxes that will do nothing to save America from ruin. Of course, we know that's Obama and his leftist crony's plan. They do not want us to be an exceptional Nation - they want us to be part of their Marxist - global community. Economic failure is a big step and an absolute necessity for their "new world order" to succeed.
Budget Battle Begins
House Republicans, led by budget chair Paul Ryan, will begin a three-day push today on a plan to cut spending and keep the government operating after March 4. There is much to be done here and it will be painful...but not as painful as it will be if they don't seriously cut this spending monster off at the knees!
Paul Ryan has a good plan but should take some notes from John Stossel - here is a serious plan that will get America back on the right track with no government super train!
Iranian Lawmakers: Execute Opposition Leaders
Will Obama reach out to the protesters this time or say nothing while they are shot down in the street and disappeared?
FBI: 100 Percent Chance of WMD Attack
The probability that the U.S. will be hit with a weapons of mass destruction attack at some point is 100 percent, Dr. Vahid Majidi, the FBI’s assistant director in charge of the FBI’s Weapons of Mass Destruction Directorate, tells Newsmax.
Peter King: US Can Block WMD Attack on Homeland
You forgot one point in your profile: