Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Obama's Use of Islamic References

I don't know what Barack Obama's religious affiliation is - obviously whatever seems to work for him at any particular moment. It is very curious to me that he continues to use Islamic references either by mistake or on purpose.  

Remember the 57 states reference he made in the campaign? It just so happens that there are 57 member states of the Organization of the Islamic Conference - count them  or WikipediA

Here's the video of Obama making the claim to have visited 57 states . He is so brilliant...was this a mistake or the wrong reference accessed by his big old brain and then oooops!

Today I received an email from his Organizing for America group. I like to keep up, you know.  Here you will find a reference to the vision the President laid out in five pillars:

I googled five pillars and got the following top four links (there were more of the same type links - check it for yourself):
Five Pillars of Islam 
Images for Five Pillars 
What are the Five Pillars of Islam 

Now maybe all of this is just a coincidence, but it is very interesting and we should continue to watch, listen, and take note of the terminology used by our "Christian" President.

1 comment:

  1. And you rarely hear him using Christian language ... Unless it's somehow to his advantage, or if he's once again trying to "prove" he's a Christian. I can't prove he's a muslim, but from what I've seen of him so far, he's proving to me every day that he's no Christian!
